Boss Wiki
Ian Todd
Ian Todd
Key information
Status Alive
Age 20s
Profession Politician
Aide to Tom Kane
Relationships Tom Kane - boss
Behind the scenes
Portrayed by Jonathan Grof
Season 2
First episode "Louder Than Words"
Last episode "True Enough"
Appearances 10 episodes (see below)

Ian Todd is a political aide to Mayor Tom Kane.


Season 2[]

Young, smart, and ambitious as hell, Ian serves as Mayor Kane’s newest staffer. What he lacks in experience he makes up for with determination and charm. Quick thinker and even quicker witted, Ian offers astute counsel while continually seeking the opportunity to serve his own agenda. Though Kane has little patience for failure, Ian continually strives to impress. While astonishingly loyal to the Mayor, Ian doesn’t trust the latest addition to Kane’s staff, Mona Fredricks.[1]

Ian is willing to do anything for the Judge (ie sexually) to make up for Mayor Kane calling him a pig when Kane was manic.

Ian's mother Barbara dated Tom Kane, and claimed Ian was his son, and asked for monetary support from Tom when his career was starting up.

Ian befriends Emma, encouraging her to trade jail for time served at home with an ankle monitor. He later says she can call him at any time for anything. He tells her his mom was a drunk so he understands how strong she is to be in recovery. When she asks, he willingly tries to get her parole officer to back off of his monitoring her.

Behind the scenes[]

Ian Todd is a major character in the second season. He is played by starring cast member Jonathan Groff.


Season 2 appearances
"Louder Than Words" "Through and Through" "Ablution" "Redemption" "Mania"
"Backflash" "The Conversation" "Consequence" "Clinch" "True Enough"


External links[]
